Section: Software


Participant : Julien Ponge.

IzPack  [47] is a software installer creation framework for the Java platform. Its main differentiator with respect to the other installation solutions is that it generates cross-platform installers that can adapt themselves to the underlying operating system so as to still provide tight integration. It was also designed to be highly customizable and extensible.

IzPack is nearing its 10 years landmark. It is hosted at the Coddehaus  [32] Foundation and released under the terms of the Apache Software License version 2.0. Its users community non-exhaustively comprise SpringSource, JBoss / RedHat, Oracle / Sun Microsystems, the Scala language, XWiki, Terracotta or Silverpeas.

The project was originally created by now INRIA Amazones team member Julien Ponge, who still leads the project. In 2010, it was presented at the Devoxx conference.